Unveiling hidden wealth: how iSanctuary's expert investigation helped secure a record-breaking £100M divorce settlement.
The client was represented in the largest-ever divorce settlement awarded in the UK courts. iSanctuary were tasked to identify the ultimate beneficial ownership of high-value properties in London and the current and previous owners of a super yacht. This information was critical as the client's (now former) husband appeared to have deliberately divested himself of all assets to avoid paying his wife a financial settlement in the divorce proceedings. iSanctuary financial investigators and analysts established which properties in London were held under an offshore blind trust and attribution of use and ownership. Although the yacht had been sold, through inquiries in Europe, BVI and Asia, alongside extensive Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) work, we established previous ownership of the client’s former husband and, importantly, the date of sale, how and to whom. All this information helped the client and her legal team prove the asset and its proceeds, made at the sale, were part of the financial portfolio of her former husband. The client was ultimately awarded £100M in a divorce settlement.